
Permissions give administrators control over the way account users can access, modify, and interact with objects in the account. Most permissions are set when Users and Objects are created, or when creating a Shared View. Permissions are added and removed primarily with limitation by inclusion, as administrators select the objects they want user to have access to by clicking on the boxes next to their names.

Each object has its own permission settings that can be modified at the object level in the details panel or while being created. For example, when creating a new Place, users will have the option to toggle the Users that can interact from that place directly from the Add a Place interface. Most portal objects have permissions that can be assigned by administrators, and revoked, edited, or otherwise changed at any time at the user level or at the obeject level.

Where to find Permissions


In the Assets Module, click the cog icon next to any Asset to open the Asset Options panel. From there, select Edit Asset. The following tabs are Permission tabs: * Users: stipulates which portal users have access to view and interact with the selected Asset * Driver: stipulates which Drivers have access to log in from the Asset


In the Places Module, click the cog icon next to any Place to open the Place Options panel. From there, select Edit Place. The following tabs are permission tabs: * Users: stipulates which portal users have access to view and interact with the selected Place


In the Geofences Module, click the cog icon next to any Geofence to open the Geofence Options panel. From there, select Edit Geofence. The following tabs are permission tabs: * Users: stipulates which portal users have access to view and interact with the selected Geofence

Shared Views

In the Shared Views Module, click the cog icon next to any Shared View to open the Shared View Options panel. From there, select Sharing. The following boxes are permission boxes: * Assets: stipulates which Assets visitors will have access to in the Shared View * Places: stipulates which Places visitors will have access to in the Shared View * Geofences: stipulates which GEofences visitors will have access to in the Shared View * Groups: stipulates which Groups visitors will have access to in the Shared View * Drivers: stipulates which Drivers visitors will have access to in the Shared View

User Setup Permissions

When adding new Users to the poral, there is a tab for controlling the User’s permission level with regard to their interaction with the portal. For details on these permissions, see the User Management article.